Friday, 17 September 2010

Calling out for my Grandad

This is a picture of my nan and grandad. They were only 20 at the time of the photo. They could be anyone's nan and grandad, but they symbolise happiness and joy, both of which you can see in their faces. But this picture, together with the picture below tell a big story within my life. This picture was taken just a few years after they were married, so about 48 years ago. They would just be starting their life together, full of future adventures and experiences. To me this photo is a part of my history and is very sacred to my nan as well.

Here is another picture, my nan on her own. This photo is my response to the previous photo. I wanted to express my emotion to the previous photo. Unlike other children I never got to see my grandad and he never got to see me, and so to take a this photo, I feel that I have expressed my own feelings towards this part of my history. To capture this photograph, I went back to the same place, which was my great nans house, with my nan. Here you can see that the window in the background is the same in both pictures. I have also attempted to capture my shadow within the image which connects myself to the person, of whom I don not know, was taking the photograph of my Grandad and Nan.

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