Sunday, 24 April 2011

origins of the cow

By looking at Grant Wood's story and how he went back to his hometown after finding that his inspiration was clearly held their, he was almost going back to his origins, his roots whihc sparked off the thought of the cows origins;

Apparently all domesticated cattle, cows, are likely decendants from the wild ox-like animals called aurochs that were bred in large areas such as Asia, Europe and North Africa within the early 1500's. However archealogical records have found that farm instruments dating back to periods of the Stone Age have got DNA of the aurochs which they suppose must have been ancestors in some way to the aurochs found with the 1500's. No-one really knows how long the breeds of cattle have been around but scientists are now looking back to periods way before Christ.
This is an Auroch's skeleton; they were very large animals, in which have been said to be twice the height of a cow today:

Looking at the cows origin, it didn't really give me any inspiration or thought of which could be persued, so I deceide to look further into the text and I found the words 'Ancestor' and 'Decendants'. So I thought more about my ancestors and how I am a decendant from them. I then thought more about how I am a little bit of all of my family members and generations, their DNA built me. I want to look more about my origins and my family and how I was made.

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