Sunday, 24 April 2011

Time for a portrait

I have decided to take a photograph of my close family, my mum, dad, nan and sister, in which I will style in the way Grant Wood had done with his portrait of his mother on the previous post. I will ask my 'close' family to do their favourite thing, the activity in which I imagine them doing when I think of each family member. The activity that to me defines them and their being.

After completing this little series of photograph I am going to take a self portrait in which will give the link between myself and my 'close' family. The link in which will be visable through our similar features and appearence.

Here is my series of photographs:

My Nan

My Nan loves to read. She reads about a book a week and her favourite author is Catherin Cookson in which is the author of the book she is reading within the photograph.

In the background you can see a china doll cabinet in which situates her collection of china dolls which she has been collecting for many years.

My Mother

My Mother tends to sew and fix items of clothing nearly every night as a sort of hobby. However she is good at it and is very skillful within the textile area. She also backcombed her hair and sprayed it with hairspray before having this photograph in which she does everytime she leaves the house.

My Father

My Father tends to come home and watch the television after work as a sort of cool down and so I decided to have the television coming into view within the photograph. The television is also the object in which he plays his PS3 on the weekends and so links to him very well. He also tends to have a few biscuits in the evening in which you can see him eating within the photograph above.

My Sister

My sister is a make-up artist for the brand Lancome and so tends to create many different make-up designs on herself for practice, however this is a photograph of her getting her make-up done for work in which she has to wear bright and bold make-up. She also loves the television programme 'Spongebob' and tends to watch it when she's ill and I have taken the photo while she is still in bed as that is her favourite time of day. Stacey loves her sleep.

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